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Izhara Formation
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Izhara Fm base reconstruction

Izhara Fm


Age Interval: 
Bajocian - ? Bathonian


Type Locality and Naming

Q.P.C. Well Kharaib No. 1, lat 25°27’09” N, long. 51°11’56” E, elevation 41.5 m (136 ft), completed 29.6.1953, between drilled depths 2317 and 2454 m (7600 and 8052 ft).

The formation takes its name from a locality near the type section. W. Sugden (unpublished report)

Synonym: “Lower Dhruma Formation”, Powers, 1968. “Izhara formation”, Dominguez, 1965.

Reference Section:

Lithology and Thickness

Top. 1. Limestone, grey, porous, with scattered dolomite crystals. 24.4 m (80 ft). 2. Limestone, grey to dark grey, fine grained, dense, with streaks containing pellets, often pyrite-stained, sometimes argillaceous, silty. Lowest part variably dolomitic and including beds of dark grey marl and shale. 56 m (185 ft). 3. Limestone, grey, fine-grained, dense in part, very dolomitic. 6 m (20 ft). 4. Dolomite, grey to grey-brown, calcareous, dense at top, becoming porous, saccharoidal. 10.6 m (35 ft). 5. Limestone and dolomite, grey, fine-grained, dense, with argillaceous beds in upper and lower parts. 40 m (132 ft). Base. Its thickness is 137 m (452 ft).

The type description is a modification of the original account written after the formation had been penetrated for the first time. It emphasizes the presence of a 24 m (80 ft) upper member composed of porous, pure carbonate, predominantly pellet and lump packstones and grainstones with interbedded lime mudstones, which contrast strongly with the impure, variably developed limestone of the overlying Araej Formation and the underlying Lower Izhara.

The lower part of the Izhara Formation is composed of interbedded pellet grainstones, argillaceous packstones and lime mudstones, dolomite and shale. These contain increasing quantities of quartz sand towards the base. Thin, discrete sandstone bodies have been recorded in the lower part.

Lithology Pattern: 

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

Gulailah Fm (at type locality), contact unconformable. Placed at the top of the highest anhydrite bed of the underlying Gulailah Fm. In Well Dukhan No. 65, the Izhara is underlain conformably by the Hamlah Fm (see Hamlah Fm).

Upper contact

Araej Fm; contact conformable. At junction of pure, buff-grey, porous, limestone of the Upper Izhara, below, with impure, silty, pellety, grey limestones of the basal Araej Fm, above.

Regional extent

Present in deep wells throughout Qatar. The Izhara Formation has also been recognised in Abu Dhabi. It is the equivalent of the Dhibi Limestone Member (formerly Haurania Limestone) of the Lower Dhruma of Saudi Arabia, and can be traced over a large area of Arabia.




In 1. Rare Nautiloculina oolithica Mohler, Glomospira sp., Paleotrix sp. In 2. Haurania sp.

This unit contains a characteristic microfauna including Haurania spp. and forms related to Cockinolinopsis and Orbitopsella.


Middle Jurassic, Bajocian possibly to Lower Bathonian. Based on its conformable position beneath the Callovian to Bathonian limestone of the Araej Formation. Can be correlated with a fair degree of confidence with the Lower Dhruma Formation of Saudi Arabia, recently assigned a wholly Bajocian age by Imlay, 1970.

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Jacques LeBlanc (2021), transcribed and translated from Stratigraphic Lexicon Qatar Peninsula by W.Sugden and A.J. Standring, 1972